US_Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Special Collections Library
SCL-Bonner 20
Bonner, SMA D. 139; Michel, DMG, no. 54.4.b_5
Former Collections:
Bonner, Campbell (1876 Nashville – 1954 Ann Arbor)
21.3 x 17.5 x 3.4 mm
Isis; clothing: mantle; crown, unspecified; clothing: garment; uterus, in the form of a cupping vessel; uterus, octopus-like; scarab; animal: lion; Bes; object, unidentified
A: Ouroboros with head at top to left, enclosing a uterus in the form of a cupping vessel, and a six-bitted keys below it. Above, in the center, a goddess (Isis?) in a long robe and mantle to left, stretching her right hand (holding something?) towards Bes, standing to front on the left. To the right of the goddess, a lion walking to right. In the free field, above and below them, the seven vowels.
B: At top, a scarab. At bottom, an octopus-like uterus. Inscription in two lines around the edge: ορωριουθ characteres σθομβαολ.βαυλεσθομβαρολαβθομβληθραλθημιθνι→ ορωριουθ, σθομβαολη-logos( σθομβαοληβαολησθομβαλακαμσθομβλη).
CBd-1054. The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database (2010-), developed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, editor-in-chief: Á. M. Nagy.
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