A: Helios standing to front, head, to left, surrounded by four rays, right hand raised in greeting, left hand holding a globe and a whip. Helios, nude except for a chlamys thrown over the left shoulder, stands atop the quadriga, with two horses turning right, two turning left, the pole horses facing each other, between them one wheel of the chariot visible. Inscription round the edge, beginning at the head of the horse on the left: αβλαναθαναλβα → Ἀβλαναθαναλβα-palindrome. Inscription below the baseline – incised at a later (post-antique?) date: τυξευι → unidentified vox. Below: an eight-pointed star.
B: Female figure (Nike) standing to left, in a Phrygian cap, tunic and upper garment floating behind the shoulder, slaughtering a bull with a dagger. As opposed to the common representation of Nike leaping upon the back of the bull, she simply stands beside the animal.
Bonner, SMA on CBd-1097
The Metropolitan Museum Collections website on CBd-1097