A: Nude Pataikos standing to front upon two crocodiles facing each other, their tail coiling round the edges and back of the stela. A small falcon is perched upon each shoulder of the figure.
B: The goddess Maat (Bonner: Mut) wearing a long robe and tripartite wig, standing to right, her arms slightly raised and exposing her wings. On her head, a feather and the solar disk.
C: Isis standing to front in a long robe, her head crowned with the hieroglyph of her name.
D: Nephthys standing to front in a long robe, her head crowned with the hieroglyph of her name.
Perforated for suspension near the upper corners. Bonner: steatite; Met: faience.
Bonner, SMA on CBd-1145
CBd-1145 in the Metropolitan Museum Collections website