A: On the right, Zeus-Sarapis seated in profile to left on a throne, wearing tunic and mantle, right hand resting on the head of Cerberus. On the left, a standing goddess (Isis or Demeter?), to right, wearing a long robe. Right hand supporting a tall torch, left hand lowered down above Cerberus. Below, inscription: αθθα βαθθα.
B: A draped man seated on the back of a sphinx, turning back, in profile to right (Bonner: Harpocrates?). The figure wears a tunic and mantle. Below, inscription: ---]αβαιμ, → "i.e. αλδαβαιμ or ιαλδαβαιμ, a magical name of the Highest God in the invocation (apparently Gnostic) in PGM XIII, 153 and 462." (Bonner).
C: On the bevel: ---]χωβωχ → end of the χαβραχ-logos.
CBd-1287. The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database (2010-), developed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, editor-in-chief: Á. M. Nagy.
Retrieved from: cbd.mfab.hu/cbd/1287 on 09-03-2025.