A: Ouroboros with head at top to right, enclosing a uterus in the shape of a cupping vessel with a seven-bitted key below it. Above the uterus, three figures - on the left: Khnum, in the center: Bes, on the right: Isis with right hand raised in greeting. Inscription around the edge, outside the Ouroboros: Greek letters → variant of σοροορ-logos?
B: Inscribed in four lines: ωρω|ριουθ|ορωρι|ωουθ → variants of ορωριουθ.
Chappaz 2005, 372, no. 80
CBd-197 on Collections des MAH en ligne
Magical gems in the Musée d'art et d'histoire, Geneva are being studied by M. Depowska, Fribourg.