Tác (Gorsium?), sporadic find, from the area of the so-called Templum Provinciae
A: Artemis, to front, in a long robe, with veil and crown on her head, upper arms beside the body, forearms stretched out, and adorned with bracelets(?). Each hand has four fingers. Fillets hang from both arms. Breasts in an irregular arrangement cover the entire body. The representation is taken over from coins, which is perhaps indicated by the rounded baseline. Inscription scattered in the free field, from top to bottom, in mirror-writing: εφεσιων → Ἐφεσίων.
B: Plain.
Intact. Oval, flat on both sides, edges without damage.
The gem was a sporadic find in the western part of the area sacra (building VII) (see Gesztelyi 1998, 134). This is the buliding complex of the Templum Provinciae, the great hall in the western part. (For the identification of the building, see Fitz 2003, 52-53, buildings VII and IX.)
CBd-1455. The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database (2010-), developed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, editor-in-chief: Á. M. Nagy.
Retrieved from: cbd.mfab.hu/cbd/1455 on 09-03-2025.