Intercisa, southern cemetery, sporadic find next to tombs 1624-5 (April 1971)
A: Scarab seen from above, crawling horizontally to right. Omega-like incision at the head?
B: Greek letters and charateres (Kovács: christograms).
The gem is oval, flat on both sides, with a trapezoid section. It is intact save for minor chipping on the reverse.
The piece is said to have been found in the southern cemetery of Intercisa, "somewhat to the east" of entirely looted tomb no. 1625 containing cremated burials. (Information kindly provided by Intercisa Museum. On the excavations at the southern cemetery, see also Visy 2005, 22 with map.)
CBd-1456. The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database (2010-), developed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, editor-in-chief: Á. M. Nagy.
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