A: The nude Aphrodite, holding up her hair with both hands, sits astride the winged Psyche, who is advancing to right on all fours. Below them, the winged Eros standing upon a globe, also to right, lifting a burning torch with both hands up towards Psyche. Inscription behind Aphrodite:
[- - -]χλαδω|ναιεβασμλχα|[- - -]ωια|κωβισακω (R. Mouterde) → Based on PGM IV 1716-1743 R. Mouterde read: [Αχαπα"]"χ""ω Ἰακὼβ Ἰσὰκ ω (?)
B: Naked Eros (on the left) embracing Psyche wearing a long robe (on the right). Inscription below them: ιασιμ|η|μα → Ἰάσιμ(ον) ἧμα, "trait guérissable" (que celui de l'amour) - interpretation of R. Mouterde (the published photo shows no sign of the inscription).
The gem corresponds to the description of the 'Sword of Dardanos' praxis (PGM IV 1716-1870). See also CBd-4265.
Mouterde 1926, 179-180 (with earlier literature).
Mouterde 1930.
Vitellozzi 2010a.
Vitellozzi 2010b, (with earlier literature).