gesture, kriophoros; animal: cynocephalus; clothing: tunic; clothing: mantle; gesture, hand raised to mouth; sistrum; Anubis; Hecate; Eros; Jesus Christ; animal: ram; figure, female
Divine Names & Voces:
A: Top: the Good Shepherd, to left, with the chi-rho monogram beside him; bottom: winged Eros, also to left; around, characteres.
B: Three figures, clockwise from top left: Hecate trimorph in peplos; Anubis with head to left, wearing tunic, right hand holding a sistrum; female figure in a long robe, with hand raised to mouth.
C: Inscription around the edge: venusvictri → Venus victri<x>.
CBd-1754. The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database (2010-), developed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, editor-in-chief: Á. M. Nagy.
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