scarab, with outstretched double wings; tail, with falcon-head; crown, double; animal: crocodile, snake-headed, falcon-tailed
A: Snake-headed crocodile to left, wearing the double crown of Egypt, tongue extended; tail ending in a falcon-head, also wearing the double crown. Above the crocodile, a scarab with outstretched double wings (Michel: winged frog).
B: Inscription in four lines: ιαρβαθ|αγρ (cut over a λ or an α) αμμ|ηφιβλοχ|λημηω → variant of ιαρβαθα-logos.
Material: amethyst (Michel) / rose quartz (Schwartz).
CBd-1776. The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database (2010-), developed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, editor-in-chief: Á. M. Nagy.
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