A: On the left, the goddess Nemesis standing to right, wearing a long robe, right hand raised to mouth, wheel at her feet. In front of her, the small figure of a worshipper squatting on the ground, one hand raised in adoration. Behind, griffin on top of a column. Inscription around: θεανεμ → θεά Νέμ(εσις). 'The goddess Nemesis.'
B: Lion, walking to left. Inscrιption around: ιβοηιθι → {ι}βοή{ι}θ<ε>ι. 'Help me.' (Schwartz: The initial ι is perhaps the continuation of the inscription of side A.)
Schwartz - Schwartz on CBd-1784
The American Numismatic Society Collections database on CBd-1784