Description: Both sides upright oval and flat. Shape 8–9. Red jasper gem, damaged at the edges of side A.
A: Greek inscription in six lines: ισου|χρειστ|οσθεουυ|ψιστουσ|σωτηρ||κιρρα → Ἰ<η>σοῦ<ς> Χρ{ε}ιστός θεοῦ ὑψίστου{σ} σωτήρ κιρρα. 'Jesus Christ, (son) of the most high God, Saviour.' vox?
B: Greek inscription in six lines: ιαω|σαβα|ωελω|αιαδ|ωνα||ι → voces including Ἰάω, Σαβαώ, Ἀδωναΐ.
Eitrem 1939, 82–83, no. 169.
Spier, Gems on CBd-1831