The CBd
Magical base from the Pergamon 'Zaubergerät': Hecate trimorph, characteres
DE-Berlin-Ant_Misc. 8612,5
DE_Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung
Misc. 8612, 5
Wünsch 1905, 1
height: 233 mm, length: 260 mm (triangle)
3rd c. AD (Wünsch)
Hecate; torches (2); torch, burning; weapon: dagger; key, unspecified; whip; snake; clothing: garment; modii (3)
Divine Names & Voces:
Ἰάω; Φοιβίη; Διώνη; Περσεφόνη; vocales, αεηιουω; vocales, triads of; ζαγουρη and variants; vocales; voces, unidentified; Νυχίη
Place of discovery:
Pergamon, Lower Town, 1897
Triangular base with a raised rim at the sides and a metal rod (h: 86 mm, d: 12 mm) set at the center, holding up a bronze disc (d: 70 mm). The angles of the triangle each represent an aspect of Hecate trimorph, wearing peplos and modius, arms bent in elbow, hands raised, their names inscribed above their heads. Phoibie (at bottom left in the image) holds a key in her right hand and a burning torch in her left hand, Dione (at top in the image) holds a whip in her right hand and a burning torch in her left hand, Nychie (at bottom right in the image) holds a serpent in her right hand and a dagger in her left hand. The remaining surface of the triangle is covered with Greek inscription and characteres. R. Wünsch read:
1 Λουλου|ζαρζαρκαθ|μαθουσμη|μυλαρθω|
5 μουσαφου||μαρχιαλα|ρισοαρηθε|ουνφωραζω|φρισσαμου|
10 βερφορισσα||βρυχισσαφα|ρισμυθωναρ|φουνισνουναρι|φαφιλωνισφλω|
15 χαρεοφορε[ . . ]||σιων|ενεβεν|θελησσα|βαρβωτοισ|
20 ιωλιπαφαρ||βορβορο[φ]ορ[β]α|στριαλαλαχ|μαφυζαζαω|ναυμιλλοναθω|
25 λαωρεοβαρβαρο||φων|ααα εεε |ηηη ιιι οοο|υυυ ωωω|
30 αλαλαλ ελ[-]||ιλιλιλ ολολολ|υλυλυλ ωλωλ[-]|ωλ αναναν|
35 ενενεν ηνην[-]||ην ινινιν ονον[-]|ον υνυνυν|ωνωνων|αραραρ|
40 ερερερ||ηρηρηρ ιριριρ ορορορ|υρυρυρ ωρωρωρ|ασασασ εσ[-]|εσεσ ησησ[-]|
45 ησ ισισισ οσ[-]||οσοσ υσυσυσ|ωσωσωσ αψ[-]|αψαψ εψεψεψ|ηψηψηψ ιψιψ[-]|
50 ιψ οψοψοψ υψυψ[-]||υψ ωψωψωψ Ἰάω|ευη Ἰάη ευοα|ζαγουρη· ευ-|ευευ· ιωιωιω·|
55 αεηιουω· αεαε[-]||αε· αηαηαη· αιαι[-]|αι· αοαοαο·αυαυαυ|αωαωαω|ωαωαωα|
60 ωεωεωε||ωηωηωη|ωιωη(!)ωι ωο[-]|ωοωο ωυωυ[-]|ωυ ωωωωωω|
65 [. .]ἰὼ||Πασικράτ[ε]ια, ἰὼ|Πασιμέδουσα, ἰὼ|πάντα ἐ[-]|φέπουσα,|
70 ἰὼ Περσεφόνη, ἰὼ Μηλι[-]||νόη, ἰὼ Λευκο[φ]ρυηνή.| Φοιβίη|Διώνη|Νυχίη|
75 Ἀμ[ε]ίβουσα.

Wünsch 1905, no. 1, fig. 6-7.
Bevilacqua 2001
Mastrocinque 2002
Gordon 2002
Dzwiza 2011
Further bibliography, description and images available in the 'Antike Bronzen in Berlin' database.
Last modified: 2014-10-29 13:45:38
CBd-1865. The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database (2010-), developed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, editor-in-chief: Á. M. Nagy. Retrieved from: on 18-11-2024.

Image-ID 3359

Credits by Johannes Laurentius

Rights © Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung