second half of the 2nd–first half of the 3rd c. AD (Zwierlein-Diehl)
bird: falcons (2); boat, papyrus; Harpocrates sitting on lotus flower; Harpocrates seated with knees drawn up; animal: crocodile; gesture, greeting
Divine Names & Voces:
Πιπι and variants
A: Harpocrates sitting to left on a lotus-flower positioned inside a papyrus boat, with hands raised in adoration. Two birds perch at the prow and stern of the boat (Zwierlein-Diehl: falcon on the right), the boat rests on the back of a crocodile.
B: Inscribed in one line: πιπιν → variant of Πιπι (Tetragrammaton).
CBd-1946. The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database (2010-), developed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, editor-in-chief: Á. M. Nagy.
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