Counter-seal of Louis VII of France (Louis le Jeune).
Frontal view of a cock-headed Anguipes, head to right. Right hand holding a whip, left hand hid behind a round shield.
Douët d’Arcq 1863, 271, no. 37.
Demay 1875, xxiii, no. 337.
Luchaire 1885, pl. VI.
Hiebaum 1931, 39, no. 43.
Dalas 1984–1989, 154 (The King only used the seal in 1174. Between 1175 and 1179 he used a different authenticating seal, also decorated with an ancient gemstome [Diana venatrix]).
Dalas 1991, 148, no. 68.
Macé 2006, 214–215.
Zwierlein-Diehl 2007, 471, ad fig. 848.
Zwierlein-Diehl 2008, 257–258.