A: Four-winged Bes-Pantheos striding right on Ouroboros cartouche enclosing notches indicating animals. Head, to front, with four animal protomes on each side, and an atef-crown on top. Only the lower arms are visible, right one holding a flail, left one holding an was-scepter. Behind the wings and in the arms two shorter knives and was-scepters. A bird’s tail and a crocodile’s tail are attached to the body from the left, feet in the shape of jackal’s heads face right, knees are thickened to imitate animal protomes.
B: Inscription in two lines: βαινχ|ωωωχ → Βαϊνχωωωχ.
Philipp, Mira et Magica on CBd-2133
Michel, DMG, 41.1.d_6.