Anguipes, cock-headed; weapon: shield; weapon: armour; star
Divine Names & Voces:
voces, unidentified
A: Frontal view of a cock-headed Anguipes in armour, facing left; right hand holding an oval shield, left arm raised and bent downwards in elbow. A six-pointed star below the figure.
B: Inscription in twelve lines: λρβλθειλι[- - -]|[..]λωλιουχ|λλνειιοου[.]γ[- - -]|ωιλημχχελ[- - -]|ιχλβερλνισρι[- - -]||[- - -]ιησιλωδ[- - -]|[- - -]χιδνλβιλ[- - -]|[- - -]βιλζιυλ[- - -]|[- - -]ανληιυλ[- - -]|[- - -]ζωνλιυμ[- - -]||[- - -]νυνυνυι|ιινυλνυλωυ → unidentified voces.
Magical gems in the Musée d'art et d'histoire, Geneva are being studied by M. Depowska, Fribourg.
CBd-2161. The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database (2010-), developed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, editor-in-chief: Á. M. Nagy.
Retrieved from: on 10-02-2025.