A: Frontal view of a cock-headed Anguipes in armour, head to right, right hand raised and holding a whip, left hand holding a round shield, half hid behind the body. Inscribed in two lines to the left of the body: ουω|ηιηω; below the snake-legs: ιηειηηασζ. Letters also on and around the shield.
B: Inscribed in seven lines and continued on the edge: εειωαιιηι|ηιηιηηιωιυυυυ|οωνααιουεστιηι|ηιηιηιαιηανωιιωαα|απαιφθαφωζααεε|ηηηιιιιοοοοου|υυυυυ
C: ωωωωωωω → εει ωαι ιηι | ηιη ιηη ιωι υυυυ| ὁ ὤν ααι ουεστ ιηι | ηιη ιηι αιη ανω ιιω αα|α παιφθαφωζα α εε | ηηη ιιιι οοοοο υ|υυυυυ. (Triads of vocales, ὁ ὤν, Triads of vocales, unidentified voces, the Greek vowel series in pterygoma form.)
http://www.lib.umich.edu/files/libraries/hsl/slideE.JPEG" target="_blank">Image of A in the Amulet Collection of the Special Collections Library
http://www.lib.umich.edu/files/libraries/hsl/Erev.JPEG" target="_blank">Image of B in the Amulet Collection of the Special Collections Library