A: Ouroboros, with head at top to left, encircling a uterus and key with deities above them. Uterus in the shape of a cupping vessel, ligaments and fallopian tubes visible, the key is five-bitted. Deities, from left to right: winged Isis crowned with the double feathers (?) to right, bandaged mummy of Anubis also to right. The mummy of Osiris facing Anubis and crowned with the solar disk; behind him, also to left, Harpocrates with right hand raised to mouth, left hand holding a cornucopia, crowned with the solar disk. Inscribed around the edge: σορο]ορμερφεργαρβαρμαφριθυ → σοροορ-logos. Letters to the left of the uterus: ηιο; to the right: υ; below the key: ω; remains of α and ε above the head of Osiris and Anubis → the Greek vowel series.
B: Inscription in two lines: ορωρ|ιουθ → ορωριουθ.
http://www.lib.umich.edu/files/libraries/hsl/slideG.JPEG" target="_blank">Image of A in the Amulet Collection of the Special Collections Library
http://www.lib.umich.edu/files/libraries/hsl/Grev.JPEG" target="_blank">Image of B in the Amulet Collection of the Special Collections Library