uterus, in the form of a cupping vessel; object, unidentified; clothing: garment; Isis?; Ouroboros; Chnoubis, lion-headed, without rays; crown?; modius; mummy; key (6-bitted)
Divine Names & Voces:
voces, unidentified; vocales
A: Ouroboros, with head at top to left, encircling a uterus-symbol in the shape of a cupping vessel and a six-bitted key. Above the uterus, a group of deities, from left to right: a falcon(?)-headed mummy, to right, wearing a crown(?); lion-headed Chnoubis in profile to left, without rays; female figure (Isis?) to left, with the modius on her head, wearing a long robe and holding an unidentified object in her left hand. Greek inscription around the Ouroboros, starting at bottom left: στραπινναποκαινειαλλυχνουωρωζοερονχω → unknown voces. Inside the Ouroboros, the Greek vowel series above the figures: αεηιο, next to the uterus on the two sides: υ ω. B: Greek inscription in seven lines: τασσοντ|ηνμητραν|τησδειναεισ|τονιδιοντο|πονοτονκυκ||λοντουηλει|ου → τᾶσσον τὴν μήτραν τῆς δεῖνα εἰς τὸν ἲδιον τόπον <ὡς> τὸν κύκλον τοῦ ἡλ<ί>ου. 'Put the womb of NN to its proper place as (you move) the solar disk.'
CBd-2925. The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database (2010-), developed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, editor-in-chief: Á. M. Nagy.
Retrieved from: cbd.mfab.hu/cbd/2925 on 26-01-2025.