Description: Transverse oval, both faces convex. Shape 4–5. Yellow and brown onyx. Intact. From Beirut.
A: Figure (Harpocrates?) crowned with the solar disk, holding the flail in his left hand, right hand raised in greeting, riding a roaring lion to left. A six-pointed star in front of his head. Inscription all around the scene: σαλαμαζαμαβαμαιαζαλιαοουινιαοουιν → Voces including part of the αιαναγβα-logos.
B: Inscription in nine lines: υψσεου|ιαωαυυιωια|αιωιωαυυιλιαμα|ρυυμαχχειχχωμαλω|αβλαθαναλβαακραμα|χαμαριβασμαδωναι|βαβαιχειλασεσεγ|ενβαρφαρανγησ|ιαω → ὕψιστος Ἰάω 'Iao, the highest', vocales, voces including the Ἀβλαναθαναλβα-palindrome, variants of Ἀκραμμαχαμαρεί, Ἀδωναΐ, σεσεγγενβαρφαραγγης and Ἰάω.
De Ridder 1911, no. 3444.
Mastrocinque 2014 on CBd-3129