Description: Upright oval, both faces flat. Shape 8–9. Blue lapis lazuli. Surface slightly abraded.
A: Nude Aphrodite anadyomene wringing her hair. Greek inscription in the free field: αρ|ωρι|φρα|σιχρυ|σιχα|ρον → voces including a variant of αρρωριφρασις.
B: Greek inscription in eleven lines: σωθησ|ινησουι|νθνοβοχο|υθορινθθε|νεπιωσερθεν|εβηιηηηιρβρι|χαρονχαριχα|ονκυπριχαρ|ονιειραπατ|ειρααρωρ|ιφρασι → voces (similar voces on CBd-476) including variants of σωθησινει and αρρωριφρασις.
Delatte–Derchain 1964, no. 241.
Mastrocinque 2014 on CBd-3541
The Cabinet des Médailles database on CBd-3541