Description: Transverse oval, side B convex. Shape 2–3. White chalcedony. Drilled and broken at the top. Previously in the Briot Collection in Smyrna. From Ainos (Thrace).
A: Greek inscription in six lines: εισθ(εο)σεν|ουρανοισ|οωνκαιπροων|οπαντωνμιζων|οπασιμεσ|ουρανων → εἷς θ(εὸ)ς ἐν οὐρανοῖς ὁ ὢν καὶ προών, ὁ πάντων μ(ε)ίζων, ὁ πᾶσι μεσουρανῶν.
B: Bust of Selene wearing a crescent and Helios crowned with seven rays. Between them: two stars. Below: οδεσποτευων|ορατοισκα|ιαορατοισ → ὁ δεσποτεύων ὁρατοῖς καὶ ἀοράτοις 'The only god in the skies, the one who pre-exists, greater than anyone else, the one who rules over all the beings of mid-haeven, the visible and invisible ones' (translation of side A and B).
Delatte–Derchain 1964, no. 381.
Mastrocinque 2014 on CBd-3612
Gers-Uphaus 2017, 73–74.