Description: Round gem, side A convex. Yellow and white banded agate. Broken into two pieces, mounted in a modern gold setting with two rings. Probably post-antique work.
A: On the left, cock-headed Anguipes in an armour with snake-like ams. On the right, nude male figure (Helios?) standing on a base, holding a globus in his right hand and wearing a headdress floating behind him. In the free field around him: five stars. Between the a two figures, the head of a lion and Greek inscription: εφι → unidentified vox. Below: characteres.
B: In the middle, characteres surrounded by a Greek inscription: φνραρναραθραχθω → unidentified voces. Around the inscription, two concentric circles with the seven planetary gods (Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Mercurius, Saturnus) and signs of the zodiac cycle in the outer circle with stars in between the circles and the signs of the zodiac cycle. Aries is represented twice, also intead of Sagittarius.
SGG II, 55, Fi 58.