The CBd
Magical gem in a gold setting: Lion, stars, σημεα-logos (A) Mithras slaying the bull (B)
IT_Firenze, Museo Archeologico Nazionale
Michel, DMG, no. 28.11_9; Mastrocinque, SGG II, no. Fi 59
Former Collections:
Medici (Firenze)
jasper, green and red
19.9 x 13.4 x 3 mm
bird: eagle; animal: lion; clothing: cap; whip; plant: palm branch; snake; clothing: tunic; clothing: mantle; kerykeion; scorpion; shoes: boots; Selene; Helios; torches (2); stars (6); stars (7); animal: bull; weapon: knife; crown, unspecified; clothing: cap, Phrygian; rays (9); thunderbolt; weapon: swords (2); figures, male (2); objects, unidentified (2); weapon: arrow; busts (2); Mithras; animal: dog; bird: raven
Divine Names & Voces:

Description: Transverse oval, both faces flat. Shape 8–9. Green and red jasper (heliotrope). Damaged at the bottom and top right part of side B, mounted in a post-antique gold setting with a ring. Formerly in the Medici collection.

A: Lion striding to left with seven stars around which the following Greek inscription can be read: σημεα καντευ κοντευ κορνευ κεριδευ δαρυνγω λυκυνξ → variant of σημεα-logos.
B: In the middle, Mithras slaying the bull, wearing a short tunic, a mantle and a Phrygian cap, with a dog at the bull's throat, snake below and a scorpion attacking from behind. The central scene is flanked by Cautes raising a torch on the left side and Cautopates holding a torch on the right side, both of them wearing cap, short tunic and boots. Above, on the left, the bust of Helios with nine rays around the head and a whip; on the right: another bust, probably that of Selene. In the free field: a palm branch with an unspecified object, six stars, two swords, a raven, an arrow, a caduceus (?), a thunderbolt, an eagle, unidentified objects and a radiated crown.

SGG II, 56–57, Fi 59.

Last modified: 2020-12-30 10:37:44
CBd-4196. The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database (2010-), developed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, editor-in-chief: Á. M. Nagy. Retrieved from: on 22-10-2024.

Image-ID 12693

Rights © Polo Museale della Toscana / Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Firenze

Notes Side A and B

Image-ID 12668

Rights © Polo Museale della Toscana / Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Firenze

Notes Side A

Image-ID 12667

Rights © Polo Museale della Toscana / Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Firenze

Notes Side B

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