Description: Transverse oval, flat. Red jasper. Mounted in a gold setting. Previously in the Montigny Collection: 1887.
A: Helios standing on a quadriga, crowned with rays, wearing a tunic and a mantle, left hand holding a globus. On the left side: another figure (Phosphorus?) in a long chiton with rays around the head, holding a torch.
B: Greek inscription in five lines: λαχαρμαρ|μαραφβασυν|τηρησονμεα|γηρατονκεχα|ριτωμενην → unidentified voces.
C: Greek inscription on the edge: αυξονιεηιποδια → unidentified voces.
Michel, DMG, 22.4.b_7
Southesk 1908, 172, pl. 14, no. N 51.