A: Lion-headed Chnoubis, to left, with human torso and snake’s leg, in armour, holding daggers in his extended right hand and a palm branch and stalks of grain in his left hand. Seven double rays around the head. Round the margin, beginning at the top, σοροορμερφεργαρμαρμαφρειουριγξ → σοροορ-logos.
B: Inscription in six lines: χνουβι|σνααβισ|βιενυθ|γιγαντορ|ηκταβαρ||οφιτα → Χνουβίς νααβις βιενυθ γιγαντορῆκτα βαροφίτα. 'Chnoubis Naabis Bienyth, shatterer of Giants, crusher of snakes'. The sign
is used to divide the parts of the formula. Below: Chnoubis-sign.
Bonner, SMA on CBd-460
The Kelsey Museum Artifacts Database on CBd-460
See the photography by G. Kornbluth
(In: 'Abrasax gems' of Kornbluth Photography)