A: On the left: Artemis on the back of a leaping deer, wearing a tunic, mantle and shoes, left hand holding a bow, right hand reaching for a quiver. On the right: Aphrodite in frontal view, head to left, veil in her hair, bracelets decorating her upper arms, clothing covering only the legs, upper body nude, hands held behind the back.
B: Inscription in four lines: ποσι|εωνια|ηχαρι|σ → Ποσει(δ)ωνίᾳ ἡ χάρις. Charm for Poseidonia (Ch. A. Faraone). πόσει {ε}<αἰ>ώνια ἡ χάρις. 'Eternal love for the bridegroom' (S. Michel).
Michel, BM on CBd-475
Faraone 2013, 334–335, no. 3.
The British Museum Collection database on CBd-475