gesture, hand raised to mouth; Harpocrates seated with knees drawn up; Harpocrates sitting on lotus flower; crown, lotus?; plant: stalk of grain; primeval mound?
Divine Names & Voces:
voces, unidentified
A: Harpocrates sitting to left on a lotus with knees drawn up; under the flower a lotus stalk with a bud and a stalk of wheat. Baseline indicating primeval mound? His right hand raised to his mouth, his left holds a whip. He is wearing a band in his hair; on the top of the head the lotus-crown? Around the figure an inscription beginning below on the left side: αχθυσια.
B: Inscribed in four lines: ασ|ωνι|ασον|ταν → unidentified voces.
A praxis known from a papyrus (PGM LXI 1-38) specifies that love charms had to be incised with the image of Horus on a lotus flower and the magical name Abraxas.Pieces with the Horus-scheme used as love charms: CBd-533, CBd-534.
CBd-513. The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database (2010-), developed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, editor-in-chief: Á. M. Nagy.
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