A: On the very right: bearded and crowned Zeus sitting on a throne, a long garment covering his body from the hips. His outstretched right hand is raised high, holding a small statuette of Nike, the left hand rests upon a scepter. In front of him: three lions with rays around their heads. The first one (next to Zeus), to right, turns his head back and lifts his paw, the other two face left. On the back of the lion in the middle: Helios wearing a long garment, in his raised left hand a thunderbolt, in his right arm a rod. Head to right and surrounded with rays. Below the baseline: seven six-pointed stars.
B: At the top and bottom: characteres. In between: inscription in three lines: αδωναι|αιδωδωνα|ιαμιχαηλ → voces including Ἀδωναΐ, Ἰά<ω>, Μιχαήλ. In the last line the ’μ’ can also be read as ’ω’, which stresses the blending of the two names: Ἰάω and Μιχαήλ. Below characteres.
Michel, BM on CBd-659
The British Museum Collection database on CBd-659