A: Lion-headed Chnoubis in profile, to left. Seven rays around the head. Inscription in the free field, running around the edge, beginning at top left: ιαεωβαιηρενεμ[- - -]νοθιλαρικριφιαευεαιφιρκιραλιθονυ. Inscription in the second line, beginning at bottom left: ομενερφαβωεαιαεηιουω → Ἰαεω-palindrome, the Greek vowel series.
B: In the center: Chnoubis-sign. Inscription around the edge: χνουβιαλαμβητωρ → Χνουβί, Aλαμβητωρ.
The word Aλαμβητωρ is mentioned in PGM IV 281.
Michel, BM on CBd-690
The British Museum Collection database on CBd-690
Daniel 2003, 142.