HU_Budapest, Museum of Fine Arts, Classical Collection
Former Collections:
Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest
jasper, yellow
13 x 11 x 3 mm
2nd–3rd c. AD (Gesztelyi)
Horus; moon, crescent; flail; gesture, hand raised to mouth; bird: falcons (2); crown, double; solar disk; side-lock of youth; boat, papyrus; star
A: Harpocrates sitting nude, to right, in a papyrus boat. Head crowned with the solar disk, side-lock of youth visible. Right hand holding a flail, left hand raised to mouth. Two falcons perch at the prow and stern of the boat, both crowned with the double crown of Egypt. Above, to the left of Harpocrates, a six-pointed star; to the right, a crescent, open to top.
B: Plain.
CBd-80. The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database (2010-), developed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, editor-in-chief: Á. M. Nagy.
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