The CBd
Bonner, SMA on CBd-1099
Μ.Μ. 81.6.294
Obv. Harpocrates riding lion to l., r. hand raised, palm forward, l. holding flail whip. Ovoid ornament over head; scalp lock. Lion has nimbus with five double rays; there was originally another pair. There is an indication of fire breathed from the lion's nostrils; his tail ends in a cobra with two feathers on its head. Thunderbolt under lion's feet. The design was encircled with the Chabrach formula, but the edges were afterwards ground down until only the first word, part of the second, and the last letter of all can be read.
Rev. Marmarazi, letters arranged as a narrow inverted pyramid.
Red‑brown jasper. Upright oval, 30 X 22 X 5. Originally larger.
Last modified: 2012-05-21 15:15:22

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