The CBd
Bonner, SMA on CBd-1265
Ruthven 26
Irregular prism, section a flat hexagon.
The two largest faces (A, D) have engraved designs, one of the narrow ones (C, to r. of A) has five letters, the other three faces are plain; but top and bottom of the prism are inscribed.
A, Anubis standing to front on globe, head to l., clothed in short tunic and cape, which conceals his l. arm. In r. hand he holds a scorpion by the tail, and also a short scepter with an ornament at the top. Several unconnected letters round the left half, a crescent and circle opposite his left knee. Along r. edge, beginning at the top, the first ten letters of the Chabrach formula, which is continued on the bottom of the prism, then upwards on face C, finishing on the top of the prism.
D, upper center, Isis standing to front, holding a serpent in her l. hand; on her extended r., a small very crudely executed standing figure, perhaps Harpocrates with scepter and flail whip. Below, at l., goat-legged Pan, dancing, with syrinx in r. hand, throwing-stick in l.; at r., pantheistic god with “standard” head (post with indistinct animal heads on each side). Several indistinct letters or characters above, at l. and below. Along r. edge, ονιτατωζαυαχτα. Under this, αζχαζ.
Amazonite (green feldspar), 21 X 18 X 8.
Last modified: 2012-05-29 21:38:55

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