The CBd
Bonner, SMA on CBd-1406
Ruthven 3
Obv. Harpocrates as youth standing to front, head to l., nude but for chlamys falling behind l. shoulder. Hemhem crown on head; l. hand holds tall staff, r. holds pomegranate. Below at l., a small child holds its r. hand up towards the fruit. This design and those of the three following numbers are derived from the cult statue of Harpocrates (Zeus Kasios) of Pelusium, perhaps through the medium of coins. The relation of the gems and coins to the statue (or statues) is fully discussed in Hesperia, 15, 51–59.
Rev. Ouroboros enclosing two narrow tablets, each of which bears an inscription partly in Greek letters (some reversed), partly in other characters. Between the two tablets, in smaller letters, λαανμω. Outside the ouroboros, round margin, αιαναχθα αλθμαξα μελαχω αρηακω. The first word is common in magical language, but usually begins a different four‑word sequence.
Red carnelian. Upright oval, 21 Χ 16 Χ 8. Obv. slightly convex, rev. strongly convex.
Last modified: 2012-08-01 16:02:20

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