The CBd
Bonner, SMA on CBd-1476
Mich. 26135
Obv. Ouroboros enclosing rider design similar in details to preceding. Inscription, Σολο[μῶν].
Rev. [σ]φρα[γ]ὶς θ[ε]οῦ, a star following the last letter. Below, four large characters and two very small ones; one is a tiny circle.
Haematite. Upright oval, a large splinter broken off diagonally from upper r. side, taking with it the horse's head and forelegs, and damaging the inscriptions on both sides. Present measurements, 44 Χ 22 X 4.
No. 37 in the Newell collection and one in mine, both broken, present the same design with no important variations. Mich. 26140, an inferior specimen, is narrower in proportion to its height, like many amulets of early Byzantine times.
Last modified: 2012-08-10 15:05:41

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