produced the Lewis stone.
15 On another stone (
D. 391) Helios occupies the place of Harpocrates among the animal groups. The god is badly rendered; his head, though probably meant to be human, resembles some sketchy representations of a radiate lion's head, and the lapidary's intention is not certain.
The lion-headed god must be dealt with later (
p. 151), since he occurs on a considerable number of amulets. Meanwhile still another type must be briefly mentioned because it is sometimes associated with Harpocrates, namely, the so-called pantheos. Since the youthful Horus was a component in this mixed type, its relation to Harpocrates is naturally close. On the amulets the two types are sometimes associated as obverse and reverse of one stone, as on a specimen minutely described by Zoega, which belonged to the Borgia collection. On another in the same collection, triads of animals, normally associated with Harpocrates, are engraved on the back of a pantheos amulet.
The less elaborate types with Harpocrates as the central figure are so numerous that detailed discussion of them is impracticable. They are best studied in connection with the plates accompanying this book. Some of the commonest may be mentioned briefly. The young god is often shown sitting on the lotus flower in his boat, either alone or attended only by a cynocephalus, in the attitude of adoration, or by the baboon and a bird, hawk or ibis.
17 A specimen in Mr. Seyrig's collection shows a phoenix with radiate head perched on a pedestal beside the god's lotus throne; in this instance there is no boat.
18 Sometimes Harpocrates is accompanied by two other divinities. A haematite in the Newell collection shows the god on a lotus flower supported by a scarab with extended wings.
19 At the left end of the boat facing Harpocrates sits a ram-headed god, Amon or Chnum, at the right stands a figure with the head of a baboon crowned with a disk. This figure holds a steering paddle, and an indistinct object held by the ram-headed god may also be part of the handle of a paddle, the rest being invisible behind the boat. The very frequent association of the baboon with Harpocrates has suggested an odd fancy. A green jasper in the British Museum shows the god seated over a crouching baboon in the reverse position, its head at the bottom of the stone.
20 Another in the same collection represents Harpocrates