Rev. Plain.
Lapis lazuli, the color strengthened recently with a deep blue dye. Horizontal oval, 31 X 24 X 4. Right end broken off.
Obv. Ouroboros enclosing three characters (ring signs).
Rev. ιαηιαη ωιαoυι (two lines).
Carnelian. Transverse oval, 18 X 13 Χ 5.
Obv. Man in military costume riding to r., about to pierce with spear a female figure on the ground. The rider wears chlamys fastened on r. shoulder, an end blowing back, kilted tunic, close-fitting trousers, and riding boots (the Parthian dress). His head is bare and the face youthful; the spear hand is held at the level of the hip. The horse is galloping and in the act of leaping over the woman; breast and breech bands keep the riding pad in place. The nude woman raises her hands towards the rider. Star before the rider's face, Σoλoμῶv round l. side and top.
Rev. σφραγὶς θεoῦ, under which is a key with square bow and three wards.
Haematite. Upright oval, 31 X 24 X 6.
Obv. Like the preceding, but the spear is longer, and the rider's hand is held as high as his neck; and the horse's breast and breech bands are absent. Inscription, Σoλoμῶv.
Rev. σφραγὶς θεoῦ.
Haematite. Upright oval, 24 X 18 X 3.
D. M. Robinson
Obv. Ouroboros enclosing the rider design. Spear hand held high, harness straps shown. Inscription, Σoλo; if the remaining letters were cut, they are no longer legible.
Rev. σφραγὶς θεoῦ; below, the Chnoubis symbol
, which probably shows that the stone was used as a digestive amulet.
Haematite. Upright oval, 32 X 22. Illustration from a photograph of the original.
Obv. Ouroboros enclosing rider design similar in details to preceding. Inscription, Σoλo[μῶv].
Rev. [σ]φρα[γ]ὶς θ[ε]oῦ, a star following the last letter. Below, four large characters and two very small ones; one is a tiny circle.
Haematite. Upright oval, a large splinter broken off diagonally from upper r. side, taking with it the horse's head and forelegs, and damaging the inscriptions on both sides. Present measurements, 44 Χ 22 X 4.
No. 37 in the Newell collection and one in mine, both broken, present the same design with no important variations. Mich. 26140, an inferior specimen, is narrower in proportion to its height, like many amulets of early Byzantine times.
Newell 49
Obv. Rider with halo galloping to r., transfixing prostrate female figure with spear. Lion below standing to r. Inscription, εἷς θεὸς ὁ vικῶv τὰ κακά, “One God who overcomes evil.” The evil one, represented by the woman, is quiescent in the bronze pendants with the rider design, whereas on the haematites she raises her hands in entreaty.
Rev. Iαω Σαβαωθ Mιχαηλ βoήθι, under which is the “eye design,” the “much-suffering eye” (see
p. 97). The evil eye is pierced from above by a trident and by a nail (or spear head) on each side of it. From below it is attacked by five animals, from l. to r., lion, ibis