The CBd
Schwartz - Schwartz on CBd-1442
25. ANS/ETN (Bonner 265 /CBd-1442/)
a: Harpocrates seated l. on lotus, knees drawn up, r. hand pointing to mouth, l. holding flail. He has scalplock, and wears disc with ray above forehead; around head, a nimbus with six linear rays and letters ZAΓOVPH. Facing him, ithyphallic cynocephalum ape with paws raised, disc on head, star above. Between their heads, crescent. Above, three scarabs, three lions l. At l. edge (broken), parts of three hawks with discs on heads, and crocodile. To r. of lions, part of an animal.
b: The four-ram-headed god Khnum, with elaborate atef crown, standing facing, wearing collar and kilt, holding was sceptre (symbolizing dominion)63 in r. hand and ankh in l. Inscription around partly lost: IAEWBAΦENEMOVNO[.......]NEPΦA BWEAI (palindrome) followed by ΔOC MO[I XAPIN].
Bevel: Vowels, in threes, and the beginning of CΘOM[ ], a long formula. The bases of the letters are toward side a.
See Delatte and Derchain index for the complete inscriptions. Haematite.
For Harpocrates adored by triads of animals, see Delatte and Derchain 147-54, Bonner 203 /CBd-1396/210 /CBd-1401/; by a cynocephalus ape, Delatte and Derchain 158,159, Bonner 194 /CBd-1389/, 197 /CBd-1392/, Kassel 146-48.
For identification of the figure on side b as Khnum, see Budge, vol. 2, p. 51; but see Delatte and Derchain 228 for a god which is similar but which has six rams’ heads. Delatte and Derchain (p. 173) suggest that the image on their gem may derive from the god of the four winds or from the ram of Mendes, both of which are endowed with four rams' heads. See also Bonner 266 /CBd-1129/.

63 Gardiner (above, n. 33), pp. 509, 559.
Last modified: 2016-02-19 22:44:44

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