The CBd
Schwartz - Schwartz on CBd-1782
40. ANS/Osborne (pl. 29, 16)
a: Snake coiled above basket; to r., worshipper kneels on ground line, hands upraised.
b: Hekate, depicted as single figure with tripartite body; three heads, each wearing kalathos. Six arms; the top two and bottom two hold uncertain objects. In fields, I A W.
Bevel: BPACAX CABAWA IΛW (corruption of CABAWΘ IAW). The bases of the letters are toward side a.
Yellow jasper.
Delatte and Derchain 280 reverse. Goodenough 1061. Bonner 63 /CBd-1311/, 64 /CBd-1038/, 66 /CBd-1313/. Hannover 1706-8. Göttingen 608. Snake: Munich 2601b. Richter (above, n. 7) 529.
Last modified: 2016-02-24 23:16:40

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