The CBd
Spier, Gems on CBd-819
London, British Museum, M&LA 56469; G 469; gift of Sir Rider Haggard (1887); said to be from Karnak. Brown serpentine, 34.5 x 31.4 x 6.7; the suspension loop is broken. Side A: The Sacrifice of Isaac: Abraham holds Isaac on the altar and is restrained by a figure (an angel?) holding an ankh-shaped christogram; behind them, a ram is tied to a tree. Side B: A large ankh-shaped christogram; an inscription cut around, ΕΙC ΘΕΟC ΕΝ ΟΥΡΑΝW, “(There is) one God in heaven”.
Published: E.A. Wallis Budge, Amulets and Superstitions (London, 1930), 129–30 (the interpretation as the Birth of Christ is fanciful); Peterson, Εἵς Θεός, 81; Bonner, SMA, 226 (not illustrated, the type not recognized); idem, “Amulets”, 336 no. 53; Smith, “Old Testament Motifs”, 191–2, fig. 6 (the scene correctly identified); Finney, “Abraham and Isaac”, 143, no. 2; BMC Magical Amulets, no. 461.
Last modified: 2013-01-24 13:41:54

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