The CBd
Spier, Gems on CBd-897
London, British Museum, M&LA, G 572; from the collection of Rev. R. Milburn Blakiston; previously owned by Rev. H. Hopley, who obtained the gem in Egypt (the gem was obtained “up the Nile some 30 years ago”, according to Blakiston). Cornelian, discolored white, A6 (but back flat), 18.9 x 15.8 x 3.6. Three lines of symbols and letters, including chi-rho, and perhaps ΙΑW.
Published: R. Milburn Blakiston, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London 14 (1893), 368–9; BMC Magical Gems, no. 538.
Last modified: 2013-01-24 16:21:39

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