The CBd
Spier, Gems on CBd-1505
New York, American Numismatic Society; from the E.T. Newell collection. Haematite, flat, 32.0 x 15.2 x 2.4. Side A: Saint Leontios as orant stands frontally, his head turned left; he rises from a sarcophagus(?); two crosses in the field. Side B: ΑΓΙ/Ε Λ/ΕΟ/ΝΤ/Ι, “Saint Leontios, (help)”.
Published: Bonner, SMA, 223–4 and 309, no. 335; A.J. Festugière, “Amulettes magiques a propos d’un ouvrage recent”, Classical Philology 46 (1951), 89 (who suggests the object below the saint is a grill); Schwartz and Schwartz, “Magical Amulets”, 188, no. 51.
Last modified: 2013-01-25 11:53:00

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