The CBd
Bonner 1951 on CBd-816
C. Bonner, Amulets Chiefly in the British Museum, Hesperia 20, 1951, 301-345, no. 54.

Obv. Extremely crude representation of the crucifixion, without, however, any effort to show the cross to which the figure of Christ is supposed to be fixed. The head is encircled with a nimbus from which three rays project slightly; a fourth would be concealed by the neck. Below, two mourning figures, r. and l. Above, three or four indistinct characters.
Rev. Three lines of non Greek characters. On bevel a few Greek vowels and indistinct characters.
Red jasper with vertical band of yellow. Upright oval, 23 x 18.
Last modified: 2012-01-09 12:57:20

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