A: Phoenix standing on a globe placed upon a column, surrounded with animals. At the top, scarab with outstretched wings; at the bottom, crocodile in profile, to right. At the two sides: swallows facing inwards; scorpions from above, crawling to top; rearing snakes with ’hands’ raised in a protective gesture. (For an interpretation, cf. CBd-2.) The head of the phoenix is crowned with a nimbus and seven rays. On each side of the bird, characteres shaped like inverted ’S’-s imitating the Chnoubis-sign. Together with the globe, the two diagonal notches on top of the column create an akhet-sign (sun rising on the horizon).
B: Inscribed: πεπτε → πέπτε. 'Digest!' Below, Chnoubis-sign.
Bonner, SMA on CBd-1046
Nagy 2011, 79, pl. 11.
Nagy 2012, comm. ad Bonner IV 60-61
http://www.lib.umich.edu/files/libraries/hsl/slide103.JPEG" target="_blank">Image of A in the Amulet Collection of the Special Collections Library
http://www.lib.umich.edu/files/libraries/hsl/103revL.JPEG" target="_blank">Image of B in the Amulet Collection of the Special Collections Library