Ἀβρασάξ; σεσεγγενβαρφαραγγης and variants; Ἰάω; Ἀβλαναθαναλβα, variants; σεμεσειλαμ and variants
A: Frontal view of a cock-headed Anguipes wearing armour, its strangely contorted head turned to left. Right hand raised and holding a whip, left hand lowered beside the body and hidden behind a round shield. Inscription across the figure: ιαω|αβρα|σαξσ|εμ|εσει|λαψ → Ἰάω, Ἀβρασάξ, variant of σεμεσειλαμ.
B: Inscription in six lines: αβλα|ναθαν|αβασεσε|γγενβα|ρφαραγ|γησ → Ἀβλαναθαναλβα-palindrome, σεσεγγενβαρφαραγγης.
The gem belongs to the same production as CBd-11, see Endreffy /comm. 2012/ on CBd-11 and CBd-1114.
CBd-1114. The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database (2010-), developed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, editor-in-chief: Á. M. Nagy.
Retrieved from: cbd.mfab.hu/cbd/1114 on 14-03-2025.