A: In the upper segment: a large scarab flanked by two uraei (at the top) and two falcons, wearing the double crown of Egypt and holding flails (at the sides), facing inwards. In the lower segment: the mummy of falcon-headed Osiris, crowned with the atef, lying on a papyrus boat, which is upheld by half-kneeling and nude Anubis flanked again by two uraei. In the free field around the figures, characteres.
B: Inscribed in four lines: αβλαναθαναλβα → Ἀβλαναθαναλβα-palindrome.
C: Inscription around the edge and continued on the reverse: αρπονχνουφιβριντατηνωφριβρισκυλμαρυζαβαραμεσενκριφινιπτουμιχμουμαω → voces including αρπονχνουφι-logos. δοσμοιχαρινδιονυσιατικυριεθεεηδηπροσπαντεσ → δός μοι χάριν Διονυσιάτι κύριε θεὲ ἤδη πρὸς πάντ{ε}<α>ς. 'Grant me, Dionysias, favor in the sight of all. O lord God, quickliy' (Bonner).
CBd-1158. The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database (2010-), developed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, editor-in-chief: Á. M. Nagy.
Retrieved from: cbd.mfab.hu/cbd/1158 on 07-02-2025.