Description: Transverse oval, both faces flat. Shape 8–9. Dark green jasper. Chipped along the edge. From Athens.
A: Helios standing on a quadriga, crowned with six rays, wearing a tunic, his right hand raised in greeting and holding the bridle of the horses and a whip in his left hand. Above and below: three-three stars, and an additional one behind Helios. Letters above each star: αεη[ο]υω → vocales.
B: Greek inscription in five lines: σθομβ̣|αογηβαολσθ|ομβαλλακαμ|σθομβαληθα|ενετηαραχ → variant of the σθομβαολη-logos.
C: Greek inscription running on the edge: σατραπσρυ.σκτωεστριμριιλππι̣πων → unidentified voces.
Bonner, SMA on CBd-1413
Mastrocinque 2014 on CBd-1413
The Cabinet des Médailles database on CBd-1413