Ἀνοχ; αβραμμαωθ and variants; ηλιαμβρω and variants; Χνουμίς
A: Ithyphallic baboon, to front. Both arms raised and bent in elbow, with an eight-pointed star above the right hand, and a nine-pointed star above the left hand. Head turned right, on top of it an uraeus with a palm branch in its jaws. In the free field on the right: lion-headed Chnoubis, to left, with seven rays around the head. On the left: Chnoubis-sign and inscripiton running from top to bottom: χνουμισ → Χνουμίς.
B: Inscription in three lines: ηλιαν|βρωαβραμ|αωθανοχ → ηλιαμβρω, variant of αβραμμαωθ, Ἀνοχ.
CBd-162. The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database (2010-), developed at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, editor-in-chief: Á. M. Nagy.
Retrieved from: cbd.mfab.hu/cbd/162 on 09-03-2025.