A: Lion-headed Chnoubis to left, with seven rays around the head. Inscription above: αεηιουω → the Greek vowel series. Inscription around the figure: on the left in two lines, from top to bottom: ειχνουβισ → εἶ Χνουβίς, 'you are Chnoubis' (CBd, pace Michel: 'I am Chnoubis') ; on the right: ερξιναμο → unidentified vox.
B: In the center: Chnoubis-sign, below: three eight-pointed stars, above: inscription: ανοχ → Ἀνοχ. 'I am'.
Michel 2001 on CBd-1626
Dasen–Nagy 2012, 303, note 60 (interpretation of the inscription, parallel)